Thursday, May 16, 2013

I'm baaaaaack!!!

I'm done with school for the summer so I have three months of a lot of free time! Which means, with a recently cleaned and somewhat organized craft room, I will be challenging my self to use what I have and actually use it! Ha. So let me introduce, the Pinterest Challenge! (Imagine me saying that in a loud announcers voice)
This is my Pinterest account check out the millions of things I like. I'll mostly be making things in my craft ideas board.

Here I go on my adventure! I'm sure my boyfriend will appreciate all the random things appearing around the house.. He did just comment on the pillows on the couch.. His exact words were "Why do these need to be here? People that sit here will be uncomfortable and they are just annoying".. I just gave him the look and took them out of the armoire he shoved them into and fluffed them back on the couch. The next day him and his friend were watching a basketball game and I noticed his friend snuggled up with a pillow. I sat next to mr. I hate anything fluffy and said "Oh man, Kyle sure looks uncomfortable." Yeah, don't offend of question my fluffy pillows.

Enough talk, let's get to it! Let's see what I make first!
