Monday, July 16, 2012

Lace Skirt Tutorial

I saw this skirt at Marshalls but it didn't fit. 
I examined it and knew I could make something similar so I snapped some pictures and got to making one. Here's what I did.

3-4 yards each of 4 different kids of lace. Or 12-16 yards of one lace (depends on your size)
1 yard of a solid color fabric
A set of hook and eyes

First I took a pattern of a skirt that was similar and made a pattern out of it.
Then, I cut out two pieces out of some white fabric I had. I'm not sure what exactly it is but its kinda heavy.
I sewed the bottom hem and top hem. I don't really measure how much I hem it. I just do what I think seems good. 
Then I pinned my lace to the front and the back of my skirt. Make sure its all straight. 
Then sew each lace piece at the top.
Now you should have two pieces with lace on them.
Next, sew a zipper on one side. I'm not sure how to explain it. Some zippers have instructions. If you have trouble leave me a comment and I'll try to explain it the best I can.
On the side with the zipper, sew on you hook and eye on the top.
On the other side just sew it straight down right sides together.
When you're done, flip it inside out and you should have a skirt! This is what mine looks like. I am in LOVE with it and it fits perfectly. 

*If anyone has any questions feel free to comment. This is my first tutorial and I don't know if I missed anything. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I really wanted a headboard but boy are those things pricey! After much looking around for ideas, I finally found something that I liked and that would be cheap. When I say cheap I mean under $8. Yes, you heard right, $8 dollars! I was in shock too.
First, I have to mention that I already had these shutters. They came off my kitchen window. It was way too much shutter in there. Shutter blinds, shutter closet.. Yikes.

So I had these bad boys sitting in a corner for a while until my searches came up with a shutter headboard. I have a queen size bed which I measured came up to 5 feet wide and these put together were 4 feet. So I cut 3 in half. I bought 2, 2x4's @ 8 feet and had them cut them in half so they would fit in my car. Then I cut 2 @ 50 inches and 2 @ 53 inches. I then used my pocket hole tool to make 2 holes on each edge of the 53 inch boards and screwed them into the 50 inch boards. Then I laid out my shutters, screwed them in, added moulding to the top, painted it and voila!:

I ended up with this and I love it! I didnt screw it to my bed legs because I didnt want to move my boxspring and It hasn't given me any problems. 


Hello all! I am starting a little blog about my life. I will show you all the stuff I make. I sometimes get into a creating kick and now my blog will have to bare with it, as well as any future readers. So make your self at home, kick back and read away!