Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I really wanted a headboard but boy are those things pricey! After much looking around for ideas, I finally found something that I liked and that would be cheap. When I say cheap I mean under $8. Yes, you heard right, $8 dollars! I was in shock too.
First, I have to mention that I already had these shutters. They came off my kitchen window. It was way too much shutter in there. Shutter blinds, shutter closet.. Yikes.

So I had these bad boys sitting in a corner for a while until my searches came up with a shutter headboard. I have a queen size bed which I measured came up to 5 feet wide and these put together were 4 feet. So I cut 3 in half. I bought 2, 2x4's @ 8 feet and had them cut them in half so they would fit in my car. Then I cut 2 @ 50 inches and 2 @ 53 inches. I then used my pocket hole tool to make 2 holes on each edge of the 53 inch boards and screwed them into the 50 inch boards. Then I laid out my shutters, screwed them in, added moulding to the top, painted it and voila!:

I ended up with this and I love it! I didnt screw it to my bed legs because I didnt want to move my boxspring and It hasn't given me any problems. 

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